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Parkinson’s Awareness Week will run from 8th to 14th April next and as part of this the Mid-West Branch of the Parkinsons’ Association of Ireland will hold a Fundraising Coffee morning at Bobby Byrne’s Wolfe Tone Bar, O’Connell Avenue, Limerick on Thursday 11th April next from 10.00am to 12non. The Branch depends entirely on the support and generosity of the Public for its funding. Parkinson’s disease is caused by the loss of Dopamine producing brain cells.​

The main symptoms of PD are tremor, or trembling in the hands, arms, legs, jaw and face; rigidity or stiffness of the limbs and trunk; bradykinesia or slowness of movement; and postural inability or impaired balance and co-ordination. At present there is no cure for Parkinson’s disease but a variety of medications help to ease the symptoms. There are more than 12,000 people in Ireland enduring Parkinson’s disease and almost 1,000 reside in the Mid-West. The Branch endeavours to provide support and services, where appropriate, for members. The services include Information meetings addressed by Guest speakers with Specialist knowledge of Parkinson’s disease; Physical therapy; Hydrotherapy and Vocal training. Everybody is welcome at Bobby Byrne’s on 11th April next in support of the Fundraising event.​


A must for all Mozart lovers, Limerick Choral Union (LCU) returns to UCH with a rare performance of Mozart’s fascinating “Mass in C Minor”. Considered Mozart’s greatest work, it has never before been performed in these parts. This great Mass will be followed by the extraordinary “Requiem”. Mozart’s boldness and ingenuity is portrayed in the great Mass with performances by four beautiful soloists accompanied by a positively sumptuous orchestra, and the amazing LCU choir who, on occasion, is divided further into two choirs!​

The sublime “Requiem” is full of grandeur and like all great Mozart, has an expressive depth that forces all to delve beneath the surface for startling emotional richness, condensing a vast realm of feeling into less than an hour! Make the Mozart journey in great comfort with LCU and hear Mozart at his best. Directed by Mr. Malcolm Green, LCU will be accompanied by LCU orchestra and four wonderful soloists: Rachel Croash (Soprano) Eamonn Mulhall (Tenor) Carolyn Holt (Alto) David Howes (Bass)​


I recently listened to an excellent interview by historian, John Carroll, on Limerick City Community Radio. The interviewee was David O’Brien, Director of Limerick Civic Trust, David, came across as extremely well-versed and definitely had the interest of Limerick and the preservation of same at heart. Among the many subjects he treated of in the captivating interview, was the acquisition of Napoleon’s chamber pot! Yes indeed, that same treasure is well preserved somewhere in the vaults of the Bishop’s Palace. He made very definite mention of the fact that their venue which is situated on the corner of Church Street and Castle Street, is open every workday and people are most welcome to come in and explore this magnificently restored building, which incidentally, was due for demolition were it not for the astute eye and careful planning of the late Denis Leonard, who was the initial Director of Civic Trust. It is also interesting to note that Limerick had the very first Civic Trust in the country. So, feel free to go along and view this palatial edifice that has been lovingly restored by the late Denis Leonard. Walking Tours also take place from this venue. All the History interviews are Podcast and this particular interview was broadcast from the Bishop’s Palace on Sunday, March 24th, 2019.​


Gúna Nua Theatre Company presents Bread Not Profits at Cleeve’s Factory on Tuesday, April 16th (preview) – 27th April, 2019 at 7.30pm. €25/€20 (preview €20) There will be no performance on Easter Sunday or Easter Monday. As this show takes place on site in Cleeve’s Factory, we advise audience members to dress warmly and wear outdoor footwear, as the ground can be uneven. The world watches as a city takes on an empire.​

Celebrating the centenary of the Limerick Soviet, in which the workers of the city declared a general strike in defiance of the British Army, Bread Not Profits will bring history to life in an exciting and immersive piece of theatre. With a script by Mike Finn (Pigtown, The Unlucky Cabin Boy), direction by Terry O’Donovan (On the Wire), and music by David Blake (Brad Pitt Light Orchestra), Bread Not Profits is a unique, dramatic celebration of one of the city’s proudest moments. Bread Not Profits was developed as part of Mike Finn’s year-long residency at Belltable and is funded by the Arts Council. (Belltable : Connect Initiative). Box Office 061 953400 LIMERICKTHEATRE.IE​


Choir soprano Zoe Stedje will be giving a cello concert as one of the lunchtime recitals in St Mary's on Wednesday 10th April at 1.15pm. She is playing a lovely programme including Beethoven's Sonata in C and Bach Sonata in D. Those of you who have heard Zoe's previous recitals in the cathedral will recognize that we are all in for a treat. Do please come along to this free recital and support one of our talented young choir members. Friday, April 12th, at 1.15pm, Irish Chamber Youth Orchestra, Music by Ravel (Bolero), Warlock (Capriol Suite), with guest soprano, Katherine Kunka in Piazzola’s Liberlango. Wednesday, April 24th, Triona Walsh, soprano, Irina Dervona, soprano, music by Bellini, Donandi, and Bernstein. These free concerts are free and conclude at 2.00pm. Donation to Retirement Collection would be greatly appreciated.​