I wish a Fruitful, Happy and Healthy New Year to all the readers of this weekly column, and to all the people who have sent information to me throughout 2024. I have been compiling this local Parish column for almost twenty-three years now and have relished every moment of what has never proved too onerous a task. Information on ones local patch is essential to the local reader, no matter how much the wider media of various sorts foists itself on us. My sincere thanks to the individual person or persons who have taken the time to comment over time personally and by email on the importance of the 'local catch' so to speak.
“I see not a step before me
As I tread on another year,
But the past is still in God's keeping,
The future His mercy shall clear,
And what looks dark in the distance
May brighten as I draw near.”
Mary Gardiner Brainard
“I see not a step before me
As I tread on another year,
But the past is still in God's keeping,
The future His mercy shall clear,
And what looks dark in the distance
May brighten as I draw near.”
Mary Gardiner Brainard
Our deepest gratitude to both our choirs and guests who performed at last years Yuletide Carol Service, that has become a definite fixture for many parishioners over the years. As well as providing the attendees with a springboard to dive into the Christmas spirit, it affords many people to meet up with people thay have not laid eyes since last year. And a very special thanks to St. Mary's All-Ireland Winning Prize Band for their services over the years , and particularly for attending the ringinging of the Bells on New Year's Eve. Their loyalty knows no bounds! They are 140 years playing this very year. Well done to the Leader of the Band, Dr. Derek Mulcahy, the strong committee, and all the talented, loyal Fife and Drum musicians. When one recalls their meagre beginnings, it would make you think, because they were surely different times. Read all about that matter in one of Derek's excellent publications, that can be procured in many bookshops, but for certain you will see then displayed at the Limerick Kemmy Museum, that stands adjacent to the old Franciscan Church.
There is one loyal, busy, and talented man who must be greeting the New Year in a buoyant frame of mind, and that is Denis O'Shaughnessy, who during April of last year took on the onerous task of producing a most wonderful literary compilation to honour the bicentenary of the building of Athlunkard, entitled 'The Story of Athlunkard Street: 1824 – 2024'. And since then he has had to reproduce the said excellent production four times, to the best of my knowledge. What a winner! just great altogether, and particularly we thank him for having the foresight to once again have fresh supply on sale locally for the Chrisymas season. This issue , like all the previous issues, just flew out the door of all three venues where it was on sale, our local Credit Union, McMahon Butchers, and at our local Post Office.