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Our native Parish writer and national broadcaster, Mae Leonard, formerly of the Sandmall, has been whole-heartdedly contributing to the highly popular radio programme, “Sunday Miscellany” for over 50 years to date. Many of her offerings have been of a local Limerick flavour, and one thing for sure was that many of her pieces were speckled with a sense of humour, something I greatly appreciate as Life goes. All in all, this class-mate of mine, has proved to be a vital contributor, where interesting topics became real to the listeners and where her delivery was faultless, occasionally with the odd 'warble' for good measure!. This week I wish to honour Mae's wonderful literary past, plus the fact that this is a significant year for our class, with the publishing of a poem of hers entitled, “Treasure” which she wrote many years ago and a piece that I consider a pure classic. Well done Mae!


Between the dust and dirt

A bread crust

One small wheel,
and a piece of steel

A nail

A pencil

a miniature machine gun

A chunk of chewed bubble gum.


The school-milk form

all scruffy and torn,

A football card

and a dried-up worm.


In a matchbox

three new pence

and four dead ants

All fell from his pants

On wash-day.

Mae Leonard.



Congratulations to the superb Ard Scoil Mhuire Debating Team who succeeded in reaching the final in Concern's first ever Shield Final! Ciara Grimes, Ali Sheehy, Katlyn Hourigan and Tara McDonagh have done their school and the Parish proud. The highest praise must also be afforded to their dedicated Mentor, Patrick Huff!


In last week's Notes I mentioned that one of Limerick's Literary Lights, Brian Slattery, had posted a poem entitled “By the River” on the Boardwalk at Clancy Strand. During last week while walking into town again, I allowed myself a little quality time to actually read the poem, thankfully I didn't need glasses either. It is a beautifully crafted poetic gem, with a unique style of rhyme, together with enviable sentiments! And, what a smooth ready and commanding vocabulary! A masterful poetic piece if ever there was one, for sure. There is also another poem entitled, “In the Rain” posted beside it, which I will return to at a later date.
In the meantime, I can't fully express my appreciation to Brian for his initiative in sharing his poetic lore with the public. No doubt, this is but an appetiser. It bears all the hallmarks of a taste for more, much more!