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Over one hundred cyclists from all over Limerick are expected to take part in the annual Limerick Leader Charity Cycle from Limerick to Kilkee. It will start at 9.30am on Saturday, September 7, 2019. Registration will take place at the Clayton Hotel from 8.30am. The fee is €40 and sponsorship cards will be available. If participants raise €200, their B&B will be covered.​


The Granary Music Library Free Concert Series will host The O'Malley's in an unplugged performance of their album “Can You Hear Me.” The Concert will take place at the Granary Library on Wednesday, August 28, 2018, beginning at 8pm.​


As mentioned in last week's column, this month we remember our finest Limerick writer, Kate O'Brien, whose 45th anniversary occurs this month. In her publication, entitled, “Without my Cloak” which took place in her native city we get a taste of her literary brilliance that will never be forgotten. In the Prologue to that 1931publication ( a First Edition of which I treasure), the writer sets the scene with clarity, as you will find in the piece below.​


“The light of October day was dropping from afternoon clarity to softness when Anthony Considine led his limping horse round the last curve of the Gap of Storm and halted there to behold the Vale of Honey. The Vale of Honey is a wide plain of fertile pastures and deep woods, watered by many streams and ringed about by mountains. Westward the Bearnagh hills, through whose Gap of Storm the traveller had just tramped, shelter it from the Atlantic-salted wind, and at the foot of these hills a great river sweeps about the western valley, zigzagging passionately westward and southward and westward again in search of the sea. A few miles below him on the river's banks the traveller saw the grey blur of a town. 'That must be Mellick,' he said to hearten himself and his horse.” (From the Prologue of the 1931 publication, entitled, “Without My Cloak” by Kate O'Brien)​


Our Shrine to the Blessed Mother is situated at the entry to St. Mary's Park. Devotions have been ongoing annually since the Marian Year, 1954 on, or close to the Feast of the Parish. Around 3pm parish people gather for the recitation of the Rosary, Benediction, and a short homily. Once again, well done to St. Mary's AID and for all the volunteers back through the decades for their caring and excellent upkeep of this precious patch, in particular Theresa Ryan (Delahunty) and her son, Michael!​


“Back then I could show you a place where there were pure gold Marsh Marigolds as big as the palm of your hand.” And that's but a sample of the floral delights unearthed for the listeners on Sunday morning radio last by our native Parish writer and national broadcaster, Mae Leonard, as she trotted us through the 'highways and byways' of the area around Athlunkard Boat Club, the Abbey River and the Salmon Weir Bridge. We visualised Mae collecting 'fistfuls' of buttercups, dandelions, cowslips, bluebells,daisies, and of course, forget-me-nots. And having climbed the wall of the famous Goose's Corner she managed to rescue Hawthorn Blossom! Even Wallflowers grew in the very ancient Walls of Limerick, and I can verify that magnificent colourful flower still grows, persistently it seems, as it protrudes from many of the old Walls of Limerick. You are apt to view its yellow floral delight in and around King John's Castle. Once again, it indeed a sheer joy to greet Sunday Miscellany, particularly on any week that Mae features, fifty years a-going now!​