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 Believe it or not, our popular parish rugby club, Shannon, is, in a few days time, celebrating 136 years of their existence. Here is what I came up with recently. 'Shannon Rugby Football Club was formed on February 18, 1884, in the Shamrock Bar, a pub by the Old Park Bridge, Corbally Road. The founder members were, Paddy Lynch, Dan Duggan, Richie Gleeson, Pierce Hartney and Joe Hegarty. Paddy Lynch captained the first Shannon team and Stephen Hanrahan was president of the club for the first two years."​
Anyone with even a scintilla of imagination can picture the scene. Five strong men, who not alone relished the game of rugby  but also the drop of liquid nourishment, gathered in a well- known hostelry of the time, determined to do something worthwhile for the sporting life of their beloved Parish of St Mary's. And so, we can imagine them ordering their pints of stout, probably 1d each or even less (must check that sometime!). Having taken the first well-deserved gulp, probably following a hard day’s work at the Docks or elsewhere, they begin the major task of addressing the matter at hand... that of setting up a Parish Rugby Club. These five men were quite the literate type and we can presume they had come equipped with jotter and lead pencil. A President was appointed or perhaps selected, but then maybe Stephen Hanrahan was the generous type who probably didn't mind giving of his time to the sporting cause of the time. We don't know, we can only imagine. What we do know now is that the date 18-2-1884 was a momentous landmark in the sporting history of the Parish and we owe these men a huge debt of gratitude. If they but knew what they began! Sure, Shannon RFC can stand shoulder to shoulder with the best in the country. So much for my imaginings. I'll venture a few rhyming lines in their honour.​
'Twas in the Shamrock Bar in 1884,​
Five strong men entered by the front door,​
To found a rugby club was their aim​
Which one day would experience great sporting fame.​
They set down some rules and ordered their stout,​
They seemed to know what they were about,​
There was Paddy, Joe, Richie, Pierce and Dan​
And so Shannon Rugby Club thus began.​
They knew not their club would see such fame,​
In the rugby arena of that much-loved game,​
But how brave they were in their endeavour​
Men of mighty mien and very clever.​


The Nicholas Street painting project was one of the single biggest most exciting community events to take place in Limerick City in recent times. As the winner​
of Best Tourism Building Project 2019 and a Finalist in the Community and​
Council Awards for Best Community Based Initiative in February 2020, this​
project has brought the most important Medieval Street in Limerick back to life.​
The power and determination of this community painted a street! Under the​
leadership of The Very Reverend d Niall J Sloane (Dean of Saint Mary’s Cathedral)​
the project was completed with the support of the following: King John’s Castle: Limerick City and County Council: Limerick Tidy Towns: Residents and traders: Saint Mary’s Cathedral: Saint Mary’s Aid: The Hunt Museum: The JP  McManus Benevolent Fund.​


Nicholas Street was once the main thoroughfare of the medieval city of Limerick. It was the principle street in the walled city and dates back to the foundations of​
Limerick. At one end lies the beautiful Saint Mary’s Cathedral founded in 1168​
and at the other the prominent fortress of King John’s Castle built in 1210. Over​
the last three decades the street became associated with vacant buildings.​
We believe the resurgence of this street is worth celebrating. This community led​
approach supported by traders and residents has seen all the buildings on the street​
painted over the last twelve months.


Great news! Both Parish Seniors’ Clubs have resumed. The Wednesday Club takes place at the Community Centre which is situated at the start of the Island Bank, close to Verdant Crescent, at 3.00pm. The Thursday Club meet at around the same time at the Town House, which is situated behind our church. Anyone over the age of 55 years of age are very welcome, with invitation for new members to come along and join in the fun. Great things are planned for the coming year. Well done to Theresa Ryan (Delahunty) for her loyal devotion to the organization of the Wednesday Club, and also to the ladies of the Thursday Club who give generously of their time in keeping this essential social vehicle alive and kickin’!