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Artist Tomás Ó'Maoldomhnaigh, A staunch and proud Parish man, of recent years based in Ennis, Co. Clare, he has been shortlisted for a Global Art Award 2020. His entry, 'Rush Hour Okavango,' was but one of 1200 entries for this prestigious and coveted award. A member of the Limerick Art Society since 1977, Tomás has held no less than twenty-seven solo exhibitions, one of which was hosted by the Limerick City Gallery of Art. Tomás comes from a rather large family, where talent abounded, one being Liam, who having mastered the art of wood-turning, put that same art orm to good use. Brian,who is extremely adept at bodhrán playing, and who actually teaches that same musical instrument at the well-attended Men's Shed on Nicholas Street. Brian also has many other strings to his bow. Artist Tomás teamed up with his brother Dominic, who is a professional photographer to publish a highly successful book in which they treated of every nook and cranny of the city and outskirts. Here, in a beautiful colourful book, where pictures large and small abounded, they have drawn our attention to the various flora and hidden historic undiscovered nuggets. They are a literary twosome to be reckoned with for sure. And so, we wish Tomás the very best of luck with his entry in this prestigious competition!​


Talk about rising like the phoenix from the ashes or even positive recycling, either way, a near miracle has emerged in and around the churchyard of our 12th century St. Mary's Cathedral. Following the necessary felling of a huge tree that was causing or would eventually case damage to the boundary wall, the said beautiful specimen has been rejuvenated. Yes indeed, thanks to the ingenuity and far thinking, Dean, Niall Sloane, a sculptor from Tipperary was jobbed and the result is quite spectacular. The tree which has lain prone for some tine has been gracefully sculpted into the life size image of the King of Munster, Dónal Mór O'Brien, whose palace was given over to the church way back in time. Due to our present restrictive climate, I have not actually seen it yet, but the newspaper has supplied a good picture of it. The sight of this fine wooden statue can but augment the outdoor furniture that is already in existence about the periphery of one of our our greatest attractions both to tourists and locals alike. And in a way, this sudden visual delight may have in some small way compensated for the non-arrival of the Earth, which would, no doubt, have drawn a massive crowd, as did the Moon many months ago.


The contacts for the individual clergy are as follows; Fr Derek Leonard PP: 061-340614. Fr John O’Byrne: 085-7491263.The Parish Office is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3.00pm – 5.00pm: the contact number is 061-416300. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Pre Baptismal meetings are held on Wednesdays at 8pm prior to Baptisms which are held on Saturdays at 5pm. Facebook Page: stmaryscatholicparishlimerick. Take note, the Parish Office may or may not be operating in our present restrictive state, but you are free to check this out.​


The Very Reverend Niall Sloane, 061 338697. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.