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This progressive educational haven for adults has blossomed in a most positive over the last few years and continues to do so. The centre is situated on the Island Road just at the pedestrian crossing and anyone is welcome to call in to gather information on the various classes that are available. Telephone: 061 313993 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:


I find it quite incredible that our All-Ireland winning St. Mary's Fife and Drum Band, are still operating to a high dergree as they willingly attend to local events whenever they happen to occur, being forever faithful to their mucical calling. We will next experience their melodious presence around the middle of August to honour the Feast of the Parish, where, as is their wont, they will regale the attendent congregation for almost half an hour in the church grounds. For sure, this musical ensemble is a treasure in our midst, and we thank them for their loyalty!


“St. Mary's Fife and Drum Band, Limerick, from its foundation, 1885 to the 1920s, had as its membership at some stage, either altogether or individually, the brothers Patrick, John, Michael and Thomas McNamara. They were born at Meat Market Place, Old Thomas Street, off Athlunkard Street, in St. Mary's Parish, Limerick in the latter part of the 19th century. Patrick became a prize-winning bandmaster of St. Mary's Band and many other fife and drum bands throughout Ireland. Along with his brothers, he led the McNamara's to play all over Ireland at balls, pattern day celebrations, weddings and St. Patrick's Day parades, with a banner proclaiming, “McNamara's Band.” (Dr. Derek Mulcahy, Band Leader). Under his dedication to the co-founders in his latest publication entitled, 'The Leader of the Band' the following four poetic lines appear, which were penned by popular parish man, WW Gleeson back in 1985.

The names of those co-founders have vanished in the gloom,

Like the dry branch in the fire ,or the body in the tomb,

But today, in the ray, their shadows still they cast,

In the parish of St. Mary's, their memories of the past.'

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