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'Situated at the top of Athlunkard Street, Athlunkard Boat Clun has been an integral part of the sporting ethos of the Parish since 1898. In that long period of time it has catered for untold numbers of young people from the area and outside, and was once a social hub of the parish, with its lawn and table tennis club, and billiards club, and a choral society at one stage, It has the unique record of winning all three national eights titles, maiden, junior and senior, at a time when only three championships competed for. ABC aren the only club in Munster to have achieved this honour. Another accolade was the winning of the national inter-provincial title in 1952, again the only Munster club to do so in a competition that has since been discontinued.' (Denis O'Shaughnessy from the previously mentioned book)
Many readers of these notes and parish people in general will be delighted to learn that the book entitled 'The Story of Athlunkard Street' compiled by local scribe, Denis O'Shaughnessey, has been published once again. Costing just €15, it will make the perfect seasonal gift. It will be for sale at our local Credit Union and at McMahon's Butchers across the road. Now be warned, this is a limited run, and we all remember what happened with the first issue. Yes it flew in a matter of days. Well done to the author, Denis, for going to the trouble of having this local treasure reprinted!
“St. Mary's Fife and Drum Band, Limerick, from its foundation, 1885 to the 1920s, had as its membership at some stage, either altogether or individually, the brothers Patrick, John, Michael and Thomas McNamara. They were born at Meat Market Place, Old Thomas Street, off Athlunkard Street, in St. Mary's Parish, Limerick in the latter part of the 19th century. Patrick became a prize-winning bandmaster of St. Mary's Band and many other fife and drum bands throughout Ireland. Along with his brothers he led the McNamara's to play all over Ireland at balls, pattern day celebrations, weddings and St. Patrick's Day parades, with a banner proclaiming, “McNamara's Band.” (Dr. Derek Mulcahy, Band Leader). Derek's fine historic compilation can be easily procured at Kemmy Museum, adjacent to the Franciscan Church building. You will be surprised at the number of local publications on show and for sale there.
In 1885 they were founded
With their playing you'd be quite astounded
With fife and with drum
Sure, they never look glum
And on New Year's Eve by fans they're surrounded!
In a recent edition of 'Ireland's Own' dated 15-11-24, there is a very fine informative article on our Canal, by Paul Swift on p51. Mention of the Guinness Bridge, that takes in the dedication to the late and great local hisorian, Kevin Hannan, who passed away in 1996.. Also mentioned is St. Mary's Rugby Club, (est 1943) that I had, incidentally, included in this column a few week's ago GAA clubs are also mentioned in this article, that is augmented by a coloured depiction of the single arch hump-back bridge that is now mainly pedestrian. In paying a visit to the local Park, the observant writer relates no less than thirteen trees, all individually named. Entitled 'Park Canal Limerick' this evocative article calls to mind a wealth of history connecetd to that, once vibrant area of our city.