Community News
Updated 03/04/2020
Although we are somewhat cast down, restricted, confined, there is hope and beauty out there. Yes, there is! In my particular area the daffodils are in full bloom at the Shrine to the Blessed Mother, which was erected back in 1954, the Marian Year. To this day it remains vandal-free, revered and a focal point in our ancient medieval area of our beautiful city. A most attractive, all-purpose playground has recently been installed close to our community centre and ultra-modern creche. Alas, the long-awaited playground remains empty to date due to our restrictive and necessary distancing climate of late. But, just as Spring has sprung into life, the time will come when this restrictive period of time will be lifted and all will be once again liberated. We will all be seen to once again visit our wonderful community centre and the children will enjoy the newly-erected playground to the fullest. Nicholas Street has become even quieter, so quiet in fact, that any walker wearing footwear with steel tipped heels, could be heard, the sound resonating the length and breath of that once Grand Street. But, despair has a habit of springing into hope, and since that is all we have at this moment in time, let us relish that vital virtue of Hope.
There is no time like Spring,
When life’s alive in everything,
Before new nestlings sing,
Before cleft swallows speed their journey back
Along the trackless track –
God guides their wing,
He spreads their table that they nothing lack, –
Before the daisy grows a common flower
Before the sun has power
To scorch the world up in his noontide hour.
Christina Rossetti
During these dire time we must exercise where this is possible, and we must also eat a decent and nutritious dinner every day. St Mary's AID had been delivering dinners at a reasonable price for a number of years now, and as far as I can ascertain, they are continuing to do so. If you have need of their services, you might try contacting the following number: 061 318106. This number could prove vital to a person living alone and having to isolate at this grim period of time.